As a dealer of restaurant and foodservice equipment, your customer base looks to you to provide the latest and greatest essentials that help their businesses run more smoothly and increase their overall revenue. This means that you're constantly reviewing new items from manufacturers to offer new options for your customers.
The new Vision Series of merchandising cases from Federal is worth a look, and it's going to be a big hit with your customer base who offer grab-and-go food options. From college dining halls to convenience stores, this new case line is sure to wow. Here's a look at everything you need to know.
Improved Product Display
Whether your customer needs a refrigerated, heated, or high-profile case, the Vision Series cases dramatically enhance visibility from the front and side perspectives. This allows for more engagement, more appeal, and increased return on investment.
This makes it easier for their customers to spot what they want and make a purchase.
Also, the front of each case is five percent larger, making it easier for your customers' clients to reach in and grab what they want. The ability to access items easier is a great selling point for a dealer who wants to sell to convenience stores or other grab-and-go locales.
Easy Access to Controls
The new Vision Series makes it easy to access and see the digital temperature indication for your customers' peace of mind and to ensure their products are safe for their customers.
This easy access provides convenience for your clients. Anyone on their team can make adjustments, so they don't need a specialist or special training for accessing the controls.
Hassle-Free Maintenance
The Vision Series features a reversing fan. This feature allows the condensing fan motor to reverse direction during defrost, reducing the buildup of dust and debris that can gather on the condenser coil, leading to less maintenance and extends the life of the internal components. And because defrost is automatic in the Vision Series, operators don’t have to tinker with settings or timers. Sensors detect when a defrost cycle is needed to run increasing operating efficiency, decreasing temperature fluctuations, and reducing costs associated with energy and maintenance.
By keeping the condenser coil clean, the positive impacts can be felt everywhere.
Choose Curved or Squared Ends
Your customers want their cases to look amazing so that they attract the attention of their customer base. The new Vision Series cases offer the choice between curved or straight sides. This gives your customers a choice to make the most of their aesthetics. Your customers can also choose from a rainbow of colors or custom designs to match their current decor.

Smaller With Increased Space to Pack Out
The Vision Series cases are two inches smaller, so you can offer them to customers who have smaller spaces, so the case doesn’t intrude on valuable floor space. Even though the overall case is smaller, the pack-out space is larger, which means your customers can save labor time by placing more items into the case for their customers, which requires less time restocking the cases.
Looking to learn about the new Vision Series? Schedule a free demonstration with an expert at Federal, and we can walk you through the features and benefits.