Valentine's Day is a great time for bakeries, chocolatiers, and candy shops to boost sales and increase profit margins. With some careful planning, the right equipment, and a creative marketing campaign, bakeries can put themselves in the best position possible to take advantage of this opportunity.
Let's take a look at the history behind the holiday, and then we'll turn our attention to why it's attached to chocolate and sweets, as well as how those items can help delivery revenue.
Why Do We Celebrate Valentine’s Day?
Valentine's Day is a day that has been closely associated with love, and it has been celebrated for more than a millennia. One of the earliest records of a Valentine's Day celebration occurred in the 8th century. At that time, the Gelasian Sacramentary recorded the celebration of the Feast of Saint Valentine on February 14th.
It would take several hundred years before the day would become closely associated with romantic love. During the Fourteenth and Fifteenth centuries, courtly love flourished, and love became compared to the lovebirds that fly around in the early spring. During the next few hundred years, the day evolved with significant others swapping greeting cards, offering baked goods, and presenting flowers to one another. The wing cupid would also become closely tied to Valentine's Day during this era, and it became the foundation of Valentine's Day that everyone knows and loves today.
There’s Profitability in Love And Baked Goods
Customer expectations are higher than ever, and bakeries must stay on top of the latest consumer trends. For example, bakery profits on Valentine's Day can be maximized by customizing baked goods to match popular trends.
Valentine’s Day is the 2nd largest cake sale day of the year. Therefore, bakeries should have plenty of cakes prepared, as there will be plenty of demand for their products. By staying on top of the latest baked goods trends, there's opportunity to sell even more product. They might even be able to sell them for a higher price, increasing their profit margins.
It is also incumbent on bakeries to consider offering customizable cakes and cupcakes. If customers know that they can purchase a cake tailored to meet their expectations, they might be willing to pay even more for it.
Bakeries Can Capitalize On Valentine's Day to Boost Sales with Federal Bakery Cases
There is a saying that there's never a second chance to make a first impression. Which is why bakeries need to make sure their cakes and cupcakes make a positive first impression with the right display cases.
With bakery display cases from Federal, bakeries can provide their products with an extra visual appeal, grabbing the eye of potential customers when they walk in. Furthermore, with access to dual-temperature cases that keep products fresh, bakeries can keep them in the display case longer without worrying about spoiling.
Italian glass bakery cases can also showcase the best features of cakes and cupcakes on Valentine's Day, ensuring that the entire bakery stands out from the crowd. If bakers are willing to go the extra mile to ensure their cakes, cupcakes, and other baked goods look their best on Valentine's Day, they can maximize the amount of revenue they generate on this day while giving their brand identity the boost it needs. For these reasons, bakeries need to consider how display cases can boost their Valentine's Day profits.